A petition in the UK Government and Parliament petitions website has been created, asking to accept proof of vaccination against for people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in Mexico to be recognised, so all the British people in Mexico and the Mexican people can visit the UK without the isolation period affecting their visit, which (more…)
Nuestra líder de industrias creativas Magaly Flores, nos comparte su experiencia tras participar en la revista científica de tinte cultural Proyecto Cultural Sur, donde nos cuenta sobre sus experiencias como embajadora de México en el Reino Unido a través de la danza folclórica mexicana.
The NMITE philosophy seeks to revolutionise engineering education, where diversity in the discipline is fundamental. The confidence to make and learn from mistakes, and the multicultural translation ability to find opportunities that make sense to stakeholders. Interview conducted by Isabel Macías (Vice President) and Oscar Álvarez-Macotela (Strategic alliances) from RGMX-UK. 01 MARCH 2021 Isabel Macías (more…)
El pasado 25 de Junio 2021, tuvimos una charla con Manolo López, miembro de la Red Global MX UK, quien nos habló sobre el respeto y la inclusión de la comunidad LGTBQIA+. Puedes ver la entrevista completa en el siguiente LINK.
Can we meaningfully contribute to: End extreme poverty? Fight inequality and injustice? Fix climate change? Achieve the 17 Goals? The goals for sustainable development in the world have been widely disseminated, and you have undoubtedly heard of them. These are instruments designed based on science, integrating the expertise of -literally- thousands of specialists in all fields of knowledge. However, they (more…)
May-Day celebrations are thrown to honor the spring season in the Northern hemisphere, an ancient spring festival, traditionally celebrated with maypole dancing. But is also known as the ‘International Workers’ Day’, created to raise awareness of poor conditions during the 19th century. This year, May 3 is also a public holiday in the UK and Ireland, where (more…)
This is the invitation for the first Networking event of the Cluster of Women in STEM of the Global Network Europe Region. During this event, 4 women who work / research in Health Sciences will present their work to us very briefly. At the end of the presentations we will have time for questions and (more…)
The Federal Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Public Education, through the Award Council of the National Science Award 2021. Summons the institutions and groups that make up the list that, in accordance with the provisions of article 49 of the Law on Awards, Incentives and Civil Rewards, the Awards Council has formulated and (more…)
Magaly Flores, our #CreativeIndustries leader in #RedGlobalMXUK, shares with us the narration of the children’s story “The very hungry caterpillar” to commemorate Children’s day in Mexico. This narration has the purpose of helping non native Spanish speakers children to practice the language. The Very Hungry Caterpillar has sold over 41 million copies worldwide in over (more…)
This is an event, organized by the Red Global MX Chapter Barcelona, El Garage Hub, and Grupo Educativo 16 de Septiembre, is designed for children and their families to learn and have fun with activities presented by professionals from various chapters of the NetworkGlobal MX. With the support of the Institute of Mexicans abroad. This (more…)