Valentina Martinez Kongcharoen
Marketing and Communications Lead

I’m Valentina, on my way to graduating with a degree in Art Direction at Kingston University. I was born in the UK with a Thai and Spanish upbringing. Despite no Mexican lineage I became affiliated with RedGlobalMX UK through a university programme and being immersed in Mexican and the larger LATAM community has opened opportunities for me to share my skills and most importantly learn from all members in the UK network.

I like to keep myself busy with other projects in the meantime: I own a Thai dessert business and help other SMEs with growth and media content, I run a “Women in Leadership” workshop with Salma Lopez which has had great success in Mexican universities and do freelance photography and videography for all events.

As Marketing and Communications Lead my goal is to connect everyone with who they need, promote our members achievements, organise events and bring new faces, forever expanding the network and most importantly bringing an enthusiastic creative energy to our organisation.

Add me on LinkedIn or equally add me on the members portal to connect!