Carlos F. Moreno-Garcia
Science, Tech and Innovation Lead

My name is Carlos F. Moreno-Garcia (Carlos for short) and I am a Senior Lecturer in Computing at Robert Gordon University (RGU) in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. I studied a Bachelor in Electronic Engineering (Major in Telecommunications) at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico (TEC CCM). After a tenure of two years as a collaborator for the “Center of Investigation in Mechanics and Biodesign” (CIMB) research group led by Prof. Rogelio Bustamante-Bello, I studied my Master’s degree in Information Security and Intelligent Systems at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. Afterwards, I started my doctoral studies at the same institution, becoming part of the “Sensorial Systems Applied to the Industry” (SSAI) research group, led by Prof. Francesc Serratosa.

After successfully obtaining my Ph. D. degree from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) in 2016, I became a research fellow in computing at RGU, where I developed an industrial project with The Data Lab Scotland and Det Norske Veritas Germanische Lloyd (DNV GL) on digitisation of complex engineering drawings used in the Oil & Gas sector, led by Prof. Eyad Elyan. Once I became a full-time lecturer, this experience led to me specialising in digitising other kinds of paper representations, such as architectural drawings, manuscripts, maps, financial diagrams, etc. I have participated in around ten projects related to document image analysis for these industries.

In 2020, I received a Newton Fund project in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM), Centro de Computación Avanzada y Visión (CECAV), co-led by Prof. Boris Escalante. In this project, we explored methods based on computer vision, deep learning and human-computer interaction to develop an accessible system for early detection of cardiovascular diseases in partnership with hospitals and clinics in Mexico City. I have complemented this work by working in other projects, such as fracture detection ( and NHS Grampian) and collaborations with other health partners from University of Aberdeen to extract and analyse text from vast collections of literature to speed up the systematic review process as part of the Childhood Obesity in MexicO (COMO) project.

Other relevant experiences include being General Chair of BMVC 2023 (which I took into a CORE A Conference), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, and being reviewer and topic editor for multiple other journals, as well as co-leading the Cluster of Machine Learning, AI and Data Science and leading the Science, Technology and Innovation Pillar and Red Global MX. Thanks to the latter, I participated in a project funded by EUDIF (European Union) to engage with the Mexican diaspora and help combat climate change through circular economy education in Mexico.

I love to practice sports (football, flag football, swimming, squash, running, and anything that comes in the way!) and to support my favourite teams, such as Real Madrid, Pumas UNAM and the Dallas Cowboys. I like dancing & watching wrestling/lucha libre. I enjoy listening to podcasts on politics, sports statistics for betting, fantasy football, and reading books on diverse topics.